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Heidi in the Mountains en streaming complet

Heidi in the Mountains

Film en streaming complet vf et vostfr hd

regarder ou telecharger le film Heidi in the Mountains en streaming complet hd vf et vostfr replay gratuit vod sans limite et sans inscrption compatible chrome cast sur mobile tablette pc console

Heidi (1974) Japanese anime series by Zuiyo Eizo (now Nippon Animation) based on the Swiss novel Heidi's Years of Wandering and Learning by Johanna Spyri (1880). It was directed by Isao Takahata A feature-length film Heidi in the Mountains, aka The Story of Heidi, was edited from the series by Zuiyo (which by then was a separate entity from Nippon Animation, which employed many of the TV series' animation staff) distributed in 1979. All cast were replaced excluding Heidi and the grandfather. This movie is also the only incarnation of the Heidi anime to have been released commercially in the United States in English (on home video in the 1980s). Isao Takahata remarked "Neither Hayao Miyazaki nor I are completely related to any shortening version" on this work.



  • mercilienmortthankyouplusunUnDeuxtrois





Excellent film




24 Avril 2023 12:07 Par mfoumbi | Non Premium --
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